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Largest population increase in 50 years in Skellefteå municipality

In 2022, the number of inhabitants in the municipality of Skellefteå increased by 1009 people, which is the largest annual population increase in 50 years. This is shown in SCB's report on population development in Sweden.

- In 2021, the same figure was 553 people and in 2022 it has almost doubled, which is strong evidence that awareness of and interest in Skellefteå has spread both in Sweden and around the world. People are beginning to get a concrete picture of the opportunities available here. Now it is important that we continue to attract even more new residents while at the same time taking care of and welcoming the new residents of Skellefteå Municipality," says Evelina Fahlesson (S), Municipal Councillor of Skellefteå.

In 2022, 3,126 people moved to Skellefteå, which is an increase of 422 people compared to the previous year. The number of people moving to Skellefteå is mainly from the rest of Sweden, but also from abroad, where the number has increased compared to 2021.

In terms of out-migration, there was a decrease from 2 098 persons in 2021 to 2011 persons in 2022.

- The decrease in out-migration is also proof of Skellefteå municipality's attractiveness. In recent years, we have positioned ourselves as a municipality of the future that can offer a developing working life, stimulating leisure time and good living environments. Now that we are seeing the results, it is important that we continue our progressive development work with undiminished strength," says Lorents Burman (S), municipal councillor.

The number of children born in Skellefteå Municipality in 2022 decreased slightly compared to the previous year. In 2022, 666 children were born, compared to 717 in 2021. At the same time, the number of deaths has decreased by 14 people compared to 2021.

SCB's annual report on population development shows that the number of people moving to Skellefteå Municipality is mainly due to migration from the rest of Sweden and immigration. In order to secure the future supply of skills and reach the target of 90,000 inhabitants by 2030, the number of in-migrants needs to increase to 4,000 people per year to become a reality.

- In order to achieve this goal, it is important to continue to cooperate with other actors and at the same time find new and more solutions to meet both the skills supply and the population target. But we should also take the opportunity to rejoice that our hard work has resulted in the largest annual population increase in 50 years. This shows that we are on the right track," says Kristina Sundin Jonsson, CEO of the municipality.

For more information:
Lorents Burman (S), Municipal Councillor

070 243 07 00

Evelina Fahlesson (S), Municipal Councillor

070 523 09 94

Kristina Sundin Jonsson, Municipal Director

070 608 89 69




Agnetha Boström

Agnetha Boström

Presskontakt Pressansvarig 076-127 94 32
Emilie Sjölund

Emilie Sjölund

Presskontakt Presskommunikatör 073-020 70 64

Skellefteå kommun

Det är trivsamt att bo i Skellefteå med omnejd. Vi är många som är överens om det. Inom Skellefteå kommun finns massor av betydelsefulla yrken som går ut på samma sak – att ta hand om vår kommun och dem som bor i den. Att skapa livskvalitet, helt enkelt.

Skellefteå kommun

Stadshuset, Trädgårdsgatan 6
931 85 Skellefteå